Friday, October 16, 2015

Windows 10

Just upgraded to 10.0 so I'm only giving my initial feedback. Interface is fine. Everything, so far, still works. No issues with older versions of software.

Privacy settings are another matter. Go into Settings, Privacy, and check out all of the options. Very complicated.

How do you wall off the personal, corporate, public and custom for everything that happens?

MS wants every analytic they can get, of course. Because stats are $. But it is "nasty, nasty." -- Henry Lloyd Moon, Goin' South.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Steely Dan & Elvis Costello - Chastain Park - Summer 2015

It was a great concert. Elvis played all of my favorites, exactly 1 hour. No sign of his wife. SD had their usual guitar player and an unbelievable drummer. The sound was perfect. They played 3 or 4 unrecognized songs during the middle of the show, which slowed things down a little. Not sure if they were new cuts. They were OK, but nothing stood out. Didn't play anything from Two Against Nature, but otherwise they played almost every hit except for Do It Again and Rikki - which is no harm to me. I think Kid Charlemagne was the last encore of the 4 they played.