Friday, June 22, 2018

Guitar Improv 101

This is a good page where it shows the various major scale patterns, though there are probably 1000's.
# 5 is the easiest to me to remember. If you play this at two it is A major and you can see that the roots are at the bottom of each E string and in the middle of the G. Also the major chord sits at the top of the scale so it is easy to vamp off the 6th (barred with no pinky) the major, dom7, maj7 by just barring the 2nd fret and moving the little finger.
It is good to memorize the entire scale first, then focus on leaving out the 3rds and 7th, which is easy in this pattern because of the structure.
# 3 is my second favorite since it has a nice symmetry, only extends on four frets and barred on the top (middle three) notes is the V chord in the key.  In A major this is at the 7th fret. The roots are not as obvious, but can be memorized easily since there are only two. Its a little harder to skip the 3rd and 7ths, but it makes a nice octave run from the A string root to the B string root. Because you can barre all the notes on the top fret it provides a nice anchor and an easy way to do pull-offs, etc.
When you are looking at scale patterns you want to locate the chords that are in the pattern for that key. This scale pattern is essentially the open neck where the C chord is, just barred, so all the chords you've memorized at the open position are here --- you just need to provide the barre. For example, in #3 the G is a D form at 7, which can also be played as a full C form (barred) using all the strings down to the low root and ignoring the low E string. D is the middle three strings on the top of the pattern (like you would play A at 2) and C is the F form at 8 or a fret lower barred is C (again the middle three strings, or with the pinky added for the any of the variants.). E minor is the Bm form at 7, etc.
With these two patterns you can always find one or two locations on the guitar to jam. In some keys obviously one of these patterns will extend into open strings so those are a little trickier to memorize, but make for some built in pull-offs since the open strings are already in the scale.
The next step that I did was to connect the two patterns. Using A major pattern #2 is the top of pattern #3  (at the bottom of the diagram) and shows the notes that bridge between #5 and #3. Being able to bridge between the two allows you to do extended slides from one note to another up or down the same string, most often to the root (or to the root of the next chord in the song), but it doesn't matter as long as it sounds good in the context (or is not a 3rd or 7th).
The other bridge is the one that bridges from #3 down to #5. Pattern #4 shows those notes. Obviously once you get back to the top pattern that is playable on the neck you've navigated the full octave and the scale pattern is repeated. So you can play the licks in one pattern, then move up or down an octave (if the pattern is available) and repeat the licks in a different octave. Trust me, no one will notice that you are playing the same notes. :)  In the case of A major #5 is at the top and #3 is at 7. In the case of D major #3 is at 2 and #5 is at 7.
I have pretty much memorized the entire fret board in all of the keys and know where the roots are. In the case of an odd key like Db I just imagine D and slide all the patterns down the neck a fret. Almost all the music that we play is either in a major key or is the blues. True minor keys are only used in Latin music or classical. I, of course, love that style, but so far I've only memorized one minor scale pattern. I'll share that later, along with simple minor key chord progressions.
I have learned a couple scale patterns in the blues, which I believe I already sent you. A blues scale is already an altered pentatonic, so there are no danger notes, though obviously some sound better in the context of the song. One thing I wish I did better is to land on the root of the chord as the chord's change. For the most part, all good soloist do this as a matter of habit. I can do it if I try to remember the progression as I jam, but I'm too lazy usually, so I fall back on the pentatonic, occasionally throwing in some other notes or some blues riffs. If you just did this, in most cases, you'd sound like a pro. The next step is to memorize arpeggios and modes that might change with the chord changes, but that is for true professionals -- or people with too much free time.
The interesting thing about the blues is that you can stay in the blues scale of the key throughout all of the chord changes or you can change the scale to the blues scale of the chords as they change. Both approaches sound equally interesting and can be used interchangeable in the same song.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Congressional Districting Algorithm Proposal

1. Use population density create a new map of the state where those areas with more people are larger and areas with less people are smaller. Disregard the fact that the new map's outside borders will have no relationship to the real map; it will still contain all of the same homes, roads & natural boundaries.
2. Slice the new map up into n number of square blocks to match the # of districts, allowing for the least amount of variation at the borders that is mathematically possible (somewhat like laying tile in the bathroom).
3. Modify the squares so that the borders are defined by the nearest paved roads with a deference to natural barriers (lakes, rivers, mountains, etc) or 4-lane roads or larger where one is logical.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Office Space

You may say that I'm the last person who should voice an opinion on how an office should be organized, given my propensity to avoid them whenever possible; but I've done my time in both the front and back pews, and my opinion is likely to be just as good as yours. The nexus of my thesis revolves around the idea that people are more productive when they feel at home. That is, where they are most comfortable. It's an outdated concept, I know. The new trend seems to bend towards environments that queue people into sterile, modern, office spaces, where the office spaces are designed by spacial engineers, or -- worse yet -- spacial designers; smart enough folk, if you catch them on a good day, or when they've had a stout glass of wine. Too often they are distracted talents that engineer by look, with little regard for the feel.  (to be continued)

Friday, June 2, 2017

The Watersports Method of Software Delivery

The Watersports Method of Software Delivery

Step 1

Task: Interactive workshop to build out 90% of the client-side functionality and design it in HTML5 using placeholder images/text so that it looks and works to a consensus agreement of the requirements. Programming to be done in real-time as much as possible. For more complex UI tasks an overnight deliverable from DevOps.
Participants:  DevOps, Customer
Time: Approximately 1 week for each 5 screens
Output: Working mock-up of the client-side UX published to a secured/accessible website for all current or future stakeholders

Step 2

Tasks: Reach a consensus on the frameworks and libraries to be used & build a POC of 3 screens based on the consensus
Particpants: DevOps
Time: Approximately 2 weeks
Output: End-to-end design POC of the code and a consensus on how to build the application

Step 3

Task: Assign coding tasks
Particpants: DevOps
Time: 2 days
Output: Do coding assignments and a reach a consensus on who will do what and how long it will take for the go-live (give or take 4 weeks)

Step 4

Tasks: Provide automated tests of all code in green
Participants: DevOps
Time: As long as needed to pass unit tests
Output: Automated Tests at 95%

Step 5

Tasks: QA and/or UAT validation that everything is working per the design. Debug & remediate as needed
Participants: DevOps, Customer
Time: As long as needed for the customers to be happy
Output: Formal sign-off to DevOps from customers via email or IM

Step 6

Tasks: Release to production and validate
Participants: DevOps, Customer
Time: Agreed upon timeline for communications and prod release
Output: Formal sign-off via email that the production release is to spec

Thursday, March 16, 2017

SNL Skit - Obama Personally Wiretaps Trump

SNL Skit - Draft 1.0

Obama in White House at desk signing papers. Checks watch, suddenly gets up, yells: "Michelle, I'm heading out to play cards with McConnell. Don't wait up!" Under his breath: "Cheap bastard."

Next scene is Obama kicking back on Air Force One.

Next scene is Obama in solid black Ninja suit sneaking into Trump Tower.  Following is a series of scenes where, while he is personally tapping Trump's phone in his office on the 30th floor, people keep recognizing him and he keeps throwing them off with stories which get more and more outlandish and charming them with Obama charisma.

Finally he steps out of the elevator into the lobby where a crowd has gathered (apparently by word of mouth), all taking selfies and cheering for him. A reporter asks: "What are you doing here Mr. President?"

Obama: "Oh, please. I was just bugging Trump's phone." Crowd laughs and cheers, Obama makes his exit, then pops his head back in the door: "Oh, and please just keep this secret, OK? Peace Out."

Friday, October 16, 2015

Windows 10

Just upgraded to 10.0 so I'm only giving my initial feedback. Interface is fine. Everything, so far, still works. No issues with older versions of software.

Privacy settings are another matter. Go into Settings, Privacy, and check out all of the options. Very complicated.

How do you wall off the personal, corporate, public and custom for everything that happens?

MS wants every analytic they can get, of course. Because stats are $. But it is "nasty, nasty." -- Henry Lloyd Moon, Goin' South.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Steely Dan & Elvis Costello - Chastain Park - Summer 2015

It was a great concert. Elvis played all of my favorites, exactly 1 hour. No sign of his wife. SD had their usual guitar player and an unbelievable drummer. The sound was perfect. They played 3 or 4 unrecognized songs during the middle of the show, which slowed things down a little. Not sure if they were new cuts. They were OK, but nothing stood out. Didn't play anything from Two Against Nature, but otherwise they played almost every hit except for Do It Again and Rikki - which is no harm to me. I think Kid Charlemagne was the last encore of the 4 they played.